Monday, August 2, 2010

Lazy Day = Late Night Bowling on the Cheap

Today was quite possibly the laziest day my daughter and I have had in quite a while. She babysat last night and I went to the cemetery movie; as a result, we were both tiiiiired today.

I think we both slept 'til about noon. Then we proceeded to lounge around in our Hello Kitty pajamasfor a lot longer than that.

Around midafternoon, the rugrat turned to me and announced, "I'm bored."
"Ok," I replied, "what do you want to do? We should go hiking."
"Want to drive to Neptune's Net for Clam Chowder?"We had a winner with that idea.

Except our lazy bums didn't budge. We lazed around for yet another hour.

We HAD to get out of the house, but at 4 in the afternoon, heading toward Malibu didn't seem like the best idea. Then I reached into the archives of my mind and remembered an excursion long ago that consisted of really inexpensive bowling at Harley's Bowl. I looked up the place online and discovered that they offer dollar bowling on Sunday nights. Did somebody say dollar bowling? That's my kinda bowling!

I made a reservation and my daughter called a couple of friends to invite them on our late night adventure. Finally, we had a plan to get out of the house for the first time today... At 9 p.m!

We approached the service desk, asked for bowling shoes, and to my surprise, they were only $1 to rent! Harley's Bowl really means it when they say "dollar bowling".

Late night bowling crew The girls got situated and proceeded to bowl as poorly as humanly possible, but still had a huge amount of fun. They hit the snack shop, which needs some dollar deals to go along with the evening's theme. A large order of fries, side of ranch, and large soda was about $7. How about dollar Cokes and one buck hot dogs? Now THERE'S a plan they need to think about.

Whatever the place lost on bowling fees, they made up in the stuffed animal claw game... You know, like the one in the original Toy Story movie,where the adorable space alienssorta worship "The Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaw". My daughter's friend fed dollar after dollar into that thing, and shockingly, has nothing to show for it. She did have fun, apparently, just trying to get ahold of one of those elusive stuffed animals.

The other amiga spent a couple of bucks at the vending machine for Skittlesand Starburst.This led to some of the most spastic bowling I've seen in a good, long time, which made this whole evening completely worth the price of admission.

The final tally for each of them to bowl two games and to rent shoes was a whopping $3 each. Add in the french fries and soda, and for an evening out with friends, we're out $10. For my kiddo, who doesn't often get to hangout with her pals so late at night, it was more than worth a mere tenspot. :)

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